Keep your hands and eyes moving

As I prepare for the upcoming class, Creating Habits I am beginning to realized that much of my art making is about getting my hands and eye to work together to create an photo reference for drawing

We often take these two functions for granted. That is until we start to lose the abilities of either one.

draw tools on desk

I am learning to appreciate what I can do and to realize it is a daily process to keep and build my seeing and drawing skills. I have to keep it fun.

look up into the trees

3 ways to build my seeing skills

  1. Look at things from a different perspective – like upside down
  2. Pause and notice what is above or below
  3. Take a lot of pictures of things I like from different angles

funky hand drawn fonts

3 ways to build my hand coordination

  1. Look closely and “draw” a new font
  2. Do hand yoga – gently appreciate the movements
  3. Play with loosely holding pens and brushes at a distance

I encourage you to notice and appreciate your hands and eyes and to celebrate your abilities.

If you are interested in exploring hand/eye skills more deeply, then check out the current workshops.
