Make a Prayer flag w/ Gelatin Prints


© linda germain – pray flag from gelatin plate monotype prints

A couple of weekends ago a few fabulous fiber gals from the lowell fiber studio came over to my workshop for a day of gelatin printing on fabric.  Then  they kindly invited me to a fiber feast at their studio, a delicious pot luck, good discussion and sharing of work.

This challenged me to do something with my gelatin prints on fabric.

I did a little research about prayer flags and want to keep it simple and retain some of the traditional symbolism.  To make the flags –

  1. Found prints in the 5 colors, blue, white, red, green and yellow
  2. Did a little touch up printing with and old gelatin plate to get the colors stronger
  3. Cut the 5 flags all the same size
  4. I wrote some stream of consciousness “prayers” about the 5 elements, sky, air, fire, water and earth, on the surface of the flags.
  5. Machine sewing  to reflect the energy of the element
  6. Topped them all off with the dragon fly thermofax screen print
  7. Strung them on a cord
  8. Hung them in front of my window to enjoy
I read that a sunny windy morning is the best time to hang a prayer flag.  And that is just what I got today!  I can’t wait to watch the flags slowly deteriorate and the prayers go into the wind.
See more about the Lowell Fiber Studio

7 thoughts on “Make a Prayer flag w/ Gelatin Prints”

  1. These are lovely! I made prayer flags yesterday too! I had made the flags and actually ironed a previously made design/pattern /random thingy onto them .. but stalled at the text.. what to use..So now I shall take them down as soon as I have a fabric pen, and unleash my wishes, poems and prayers

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