20 reasons to Learn to monoprint fabric

My students have shared their reasons for wanting to learn more about monoprinting fabric with the gelatin plate. Read on and see if you can relate.

Monoprint on fabric with hand stitching by linda germain

  1. Make fun fabrics to make clothes for grandchildren.
  2. Learn the benefits of different applications of hand-printing at home.
  3. Discover and master the differences between printing on fabric and paper.
  4. Get ideas on how to incorporating the fabric into work.
  5. Just get started with gelatin printmaking
  6. Obtain lots of time saving information about products, inks and tools
  7. Learn to use objects and color to create a great impression
  8. Discover how to fabric keep looking good and bright
  9. Make choices to keep the soft hand of the fabric
  10. Add printing on fabric to your mixed media skills
  11. Make completely unique fabrics for mixed media projects
  12. Accent woven fabric with printed marks and surface design.
  13. Expand your knowledge of how to compose a pleasing image/pattern
  14. Be inspired new ideas from everyone in the class
  15. Explore and develop your sense of design
  16. Have such messy fun!
  17. Embrace a little play time
  18. Expand the possibilities using the gelatin plate!
  19. Make new fiber art projects
  20. Learn to make clear prints

Do you have a reason to explore gelatin printmaking on fabric? If so, then join us in this session of Monoprinting Fabric.  This online printmaking class starts soon.

Read the details on the workshop page.