Go back to your sketchbook

I have been using a sketchbook a lot more in the past year. It is quite satisfying to fill one up.

sketch booking by the lake

Sometimes I get too focused on finishing up a sketchbook. They end up on a shelf or in a box.Pamphlet stitched books

Then I remembered that they can be used as source material for more drawings and prints. So this may be obvious to you, but it is a new idea for me, to use the original sketches as reference to make more drawings.


So get out some of those old sketchbooks and draw! Some of these doodles and drawings make even inspire printing plates or stencils. Keep it fun!

foam plates for relief printing

If you are interested in relief printing with foam plates, then check out the details on the workshop page and join us in the Soft Plate Relief Printing class. This online class starts soon.