Books a good way to show off your monoprints

piles of prints with potentialIf you are an experimental monotype printmaker like me, then you probably have a lot of prints and papers with potential.

stab bound book of monotype prints

The books above are bound in the manner of Japanese Stab binding. This form works well with a soft cover and hard back, and a long landscape style format. We will learn this book form in the Mixed Media Retreat.

accordion style books

Accordion style books are great for display.

I think the natural evolution is to start making books with some of those prints. Things you could make with your prints:

  • book covers
  • end pages
  • whole bound book of prints
  • spine covers

Pamphlet stitched books

Pamphlet stitch binding easy and useful.

If you are curious to get started with some simple book forms, then check out the details, of the online Mixed Media Retreat. We will learn 6 book forms and several layering techniques that will put your prints to good use.

soft cover coptic stitch binding

Soft cover coptic binding is great for books that open flat.