Meditative Marks

Lately, I have been exploring the process of meditative mark making. You know those doodles that take you away. Or the drawings you do during a meeting or phone call.

circle doodles

I was wondering if those kinds of marks could be the basis for growing my personal lexicon of marks. I love that phrase lexicon of marks.  It just means mark making language, but sounds kind of beautiful.

repetitive mark making

I want to combine a bit of “scientific observation” and repetitive mark making to expands the kinds of marks that I can naturally draw and doodle.

painted and stamped meditative marks

  • What are your “go to” marks?
  • How do you go about expanding your lexicon of marks?
  • What tools do you use?

Something to think about. Happy making!

Looking for some mark making ideas and support then current online classes.