Printing on Fabric – feel and use

When choosing to monoprint on fabric you may want to think about:

  • your intended use for the printed fabric
  • how you want it to feel
  • does it need to be washable

play with printing on fabric

I don’t always know what I will use the fabric for, but I often want it to feel soft and be washable. The main factor that affects these qualities is the kind of ink or paint that you print with.

inks for make monoprints on fabric with the gelatin plate

I have tried lots of brands with monoprinting fabric on the gelatin plate. And I think every artist will have their own preference. You can read about my experience with the different inks in this blog post.

The other factor that affects the hand/feel of the material is how thickly you apply the ink. Often with monotype printing on paper, I can print several layers of ink and I try to limit the layers to 1 or 2 when printing on fabric.

If you would like to explore Monoprinting Fabric with the gelatin plate, then check out the details of the upcoming online class and join us.