Make it easy – work in a standard size

I am a process kind of printmaker.

I love surprise and discovering ways to make marks. To do this I make lots of prints, most are nothing that I would want to frame, but they are what got me to the prints that I do love.

soft plate relief prints by linda germain

It took me awhile to realize that if I print on standard size papers that fit into easy to buy mats and frames then I would be more likely to frame and share my work.

It is kind of thinking from the end product first.

Here in the US we can buy mats and frames for papers that are 5″ x 7″, 8″ x 10″, 11″ x 14″, 16″ x 20″ and there are even some easy to find square sizes.

So if the cost of customer mats and frames has been holding you back from sharing your work, then you may want to try working in a more standard size and see what happens.

foam plate relief prints by Linda Germain

These are some soft plate relief prints that were standard sizes and therefore I was able to just drop them in some frames quickly and inexpensively.

If you like the look of these layered prints, then you may want to join us in the online printmaking course, Soft plate relief printing. Click here for the details, class starts August 7th. 

This is a low tech, non-toxic printing without a press process. Check out a gallery of some of my relief prints.