Cut up the Gelatin and make Prints

Cut the gelatin into shapes and print.
So I tried cutting the gelatin plate with a small film canister.  I punched out some circles and started to play.  I got some fun edges, patterns  and layers.  I am not sure of the exact application for this method, but I am going to continue to experiment with cutting the gelatin plate into shapes.
Layered gelatin prints with shaped pieces of gelatin.
It was fun to make ink marks and hold the gelatin like a little stamp.   I tried a bigger circle and printed some small cards.    I love the experimenting.
shaped gelatin for printmaking
This one a cut with the end of a pvc pipe.  Big cookie cutters would be interesting to try.
small gelatin print with shaped gelatin and stencil
©linda germain 2011

9 thoughts on “Cut up the Gelatin and make Prints”

  1. What if you “carved” or cut away some of the tops of the small round gelatin pieces, similar to potato printing? Or found some what to erode the tops (or bottoms) of them? 🙂

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