
Walk to support your creativity

I am so grateful for the short walks that break up my day at the studio.Walk to feed your creativity

Sometimes I just go around the block trying to get a little fresh air and sunshine. Often that is just enough to clear my mind.

linda germain gelatin printmaking in the greenhouse in winter

Sometimes, I find a rusty treasure. That I use to stain paper and fabric.found rust by linda germain

Other times, I see shadows and shapes that inspire stencils for printmaking.

Cast shadows inspire printmaking tools Linda Germain

I will pick up weeds and twigs to use to make printing plate.

relief print with masking stencils

So I highly recommend taking a walk to inspire your printmaking practice.

  • Just walk out your studio door and see what happens
  • Go to the woods or beach before you even head to the studio
  • Go at a comfortable pace without expectation



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Take a walk-find inspiration

Do you ever need a little pick-me-up? A walk around the block may be the answer.

walk for ideas

I need to take lots of breaks to clear my head and get focused on the next thing to do. Sometimes I am stopped by “treasures” on the street.

metal wire for printmaking

This rusted piece of metal could be used:

Another find was some autumn leaves.

Leaves to inspire printmaking

I can use:

  • the colors
  • the textures
  • the shapes

to create stencils, prints and drawings.

I suggest you try a walk next time you need a bit of focus.

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Enjoy art documentaries – for new inspiration

I watched Mies on Scene and was inspired by the building and story about the Barcelona Pavillon.

I challenge you to use your local library services or your movies services account and check out an art documentary for a a bit of inspiration.

I was particularly drawn to:

  • the shadows and reflections
  • the depths available in the simplicity
  • use of water and stone

I can see how I like to use this things in my own work. That makes me smile.

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

Happy printing!

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Print with wonderful weeds

Today as I enjoyed the one of the last sunny days at the beach, I also gathered some fall weeds for some upcoming projects.

be inspried by the beach

I found some thin, detailed twigs and branches that I hope to use in a clay project.

twigs for printmaking

If I were printing with weeds and grasses on the gelatin plate, then I would look for very strong and very flat varieties of weeds.

So depending on the printmaking process that you are using will determine what kind of weeds will work for you.
I use strong and moderate thickness to create foam relief plates. These kind of weeds need to be strong and thick enough to make an impression in the plate.

soft relief plate for printmaking

So I hope you are encouraged to see the value in roadside weeds for your printmaking practice.

weeds for printmaking without a press

This thick mess of weeds is too complex for using with the gelatin plate, but it is going to be great for one time use in making an impression in clay.
Happy hunting!

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

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Check out your local art scene

I was recently encouraged to gather inspiration from local art options. I offer the idea to you. It is usually a quick and easy way to fuel your art practice.

art fuel your local center

You can search for:

  • Regional art associations
  • Art centers – that offer classes and more
  • Galleries and art exhibit venues like libraries
  • College galleries and continuing education classes

Then pick one to visit or join in for an activity. See who you meet and how you can be inspired.

cogswell art space

I recently helped with a clean up day for a local art center that is in the process of opening. Cogswell Art space is an old school that is becoming a new space for the arts in Haverhill. They are having a housewarming event October 19th and 20th.

I will be there on the 20th from 10 to 11AM doing a FREE gelatin printmaking demo.hand print cards with the gelatin plate

So the challenge for you is to look locally and see if you can find:

  • inspiration
  • support
  • other artists to create with.

Happy trails!

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.


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