New tools for printmaking

I had been hearing about the Xcut X-Press craft machine from Annie Day and the Printmaking sisters in Australia. They use this small embossing craft machine to make beautiful waterless lithography prints, etching prints and lino cut prints.

Xcut XPress craft machine for printmaking

I know I prefer the immediacy of monoprinting with the gelatin plate. I really like the non-toxic water based inks that I use, but I still wanted to check out this small, inexpensive “printing press.”

And I am glad that I did. For about $130.00 I now have a little press for making experimental prints. I have tried printing:

  • foam core intaglio etching
  • foam relief plate
  • paper stencil
  • used Akua intaglio ink
  • tried water soluble pastels
  • water based speedball block printing inks

I am going to play around with some collagraph plates. And see what happens.

stencil print with water based ink

The tree print above was made from a cut paper card that I found at Extras for Creative Reuse, the local recycling center for artists, teachers and other creative people.

I inked the delicate paper card with speedball block printing ink and ran is through my new little press. I was happy with the print on the right, even though the ink coverage was a little uneven. The card is delicate and will probably not last too long, but I liked figuring out how to use the “tools” and water based inks that I have around.

intaglio print made from coated foam core

This is a quick print that I did with an etched foam core plate. I made this at the Book Arts course at USM last summer. It is a piece or foam core coated with gloss medium. Then you just draw into it with and etching needle, you can pull off the first layer of paper as well.

The plate is pretty worn, but I was happy with the quick prints that I made on rice paper and masa paper. I used Akua intaglio inks for that process.

Happy Printing!

2 thoughts on “New tools for printmaking”

  1. Dear Linda:

    Could you tell me where you obtained this xpress machine? I really love the foam core prints you made. I am an avid printmaker and painter and really love your blog. Thanks for sharing so much helpful and inspiring info.

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