Repetition and Variety in Printmaking

Composition is important to the success of a piece of artwork. And yet sometimes the concept seems so hard to get a handle on. It is abstract and subjective.

Collage is one way that I create pleasing compositions from less than perfect prints.

Collaged Relief Prints by Linda Germain

Today, I am working with soft block plates. I pieced together some soft block relief prints and thought about the principles of repetition and variety. I put together several pieces of some original prints to make one pleasing relief print.

Foam printing plates ready for printmaking

A couple of ways that I embrace the ideas of repetition and variety are:

  • I allow myself to use simple circular shapes that I like
  • I play with making those shapes with different tools
  • I make a lot of prints and that way the elements reveal themselves

Artists display of relief plate prints by linda germain

For example:

I like circles, so I use wire, caps, pencils and other tools to make circles with different quality of line. This way I repeat the simple shape and create variety by the different types of lines. This helps compose a pleasing print. It helps bring it together and make sense.

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