Embrace your drawing skills

You can try to avoid drawing and there are lots of tools that you can buy to make art with out drawing: stencils, stamps and coloring books.

sketch to make better monoprints

But if you have the urge to make your own unique art, to express your voice in the world, then the tug of drawing is there. I know because I am not natural lover of drawing. I judge myself too harshly and I often resist the process.

Now I know that:

  • drawing is an essential tool.
  • the more I draw the more I like what I draw
  • drawing can be a scribble (google Cy Twombly drawings)
  • kids drawing are moving because they are raw and real

block printing gives your drawings life

Try this:

  1. Get 10 sheets of copy paper
  2. Stand up, wiggle, breathe and stretch
  3. Arm out stretched and soft pencil in hand, scribble with abandon
  4. Just keep making marks
  5. Get a new sheet when you feel like it

How did it go?

  • Did it feel fun? Foolish?
  • Were you judging or allowing?
  • Did you trust yourself?
  • Do you feel looser, freer?



5 thoughts on “Embrace your drawing skills”

  1. You are so right… We need to stop being uptight about drawing and just make marks. Everyone has unique marks and it’s fun discovering them. My favourites are spirals, bird and fish shapes, curvy lines and repeat patterns. Great for Lino cuts which I love doing.
    Thanks Linda,

  2. Great post Linda. I’m going to embrace your suggestion and banish the “inner critic” mine gets far too much air time!!!!!

  3. I also LOVE these tips, Linda and I’m definitely going to give them a try. Thanks for sharing.

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