4 found tools for art making

Try this:

Pause in your day and see the awe that is right before you.

Found tools for printmaking

My goal is too notice the awe in the everyday and let it inform my art practice.

I think that is the magic of living creatively.

To do it daily,

even if it is only for brief moments.

These things above are probably trash to most people. But to me they are:

  • a stick with an intricate pattern that I would love to print somehow
  • a smashed twig that might paint some cool marks
  • used tea bags that would be great for transparent prints and books
  • delicate dried flowers that inspire simple line drawings

I challenge you to pause and notice the inspiration that is right in front of you.

Could it inform your art?

One tool I use to help me pause is daily journaling and a bit of meditation. Here’s a free Meditation Experience with Oprah and Deepak Chopra No affiliation, just sharing what works for me.

3 thoughts on “4 found tools for art making”

  1. Brenda McGovern

    Sounds like a wonderful class. See you at Portland next week!! (Book Art Week)
    Brenda McGovern

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