How do you print without a press?

Printmaking is a little bit of a mystery to most people. It is hard to visualize the steps involved. Take away the press and then, it is even more confusing. Let me help!

Gelatin prints on fabric sewn together to make a pillow cover

I am here to make printmaking familiar and doable for you.

Printmaking is making an indirect mark made with pressure.

Some familiar ways of printing are:

  • Stamps – they are raised areas of the surface, that catch ink or paint. These can also be called relief blocks.
  • Stencils – are known to most. Think of wall stencils from colonial times. Think of t-shirt stencils. A stencil is a hole in a piece of paper that ink is pushed through.

Both of these types of printmaking without a press are accessible to most folks. A visit to the local craft store will hook you up with plenty of starter tools.

Monotype printing is a little more artsy. The language can confuse people. Monotype is merely a one of a kind, not repeatable print. Think of a Rorschach ink blot, that is a monotype print.

Another way to make a monotype is to paint on glass and then while it is still wet, lay a paper on top and press. The ink is transferred to the paper.

Gelatin Plate Monotype printing has become very popular because it does not need a printing press to transfer the ink to the paper.

Gelatin plate print of horse by linda germain

This process is my passion because with the right materials you can make beautiful detailed impressions that rival more sophisticated and labor intensive techniques such as etching and solar printing.

If you would like to explore monoprinting on fabric with the support of a group of artists, then check out the details on the printmaking workshops page and join us today.