Boundaries Create Space to succeed

As mixed media artists we love lots of different media and methods. We love to explore and combine tools and materials in a myriad of ways. That is what makes our art work unique.

Gelatin monotype print with ink and masking stencils linda germain

But for me that love of “everything” finds me wandering around my studio from one idea to the next and never quite finishing anything.

I made a decision that is helping me to complete some work. This one boundary actually gives me just enough structure to create some freedom to play.

Stencils for pulling monotypes on the gel plate

This is the one boundary that I have given myself with my mixed media printmaking projects:

  1. I am working in a fixed size, 5″ x 7″.
  2. This gives me freedom to play and low risk because is it just an inexpensive piece of paper.
  3. It also frees me up because I know that when I do finish the piece it will be a easy to frame standard size. Finishing and framing is often a hurdle for me.
  4. I now know that any stencils that I cut will be cut to fit on that 5″ x 7″ paper.

What about you? Do you use boundaries to set yourself up for success?

2 thoughts on “Boundaries Create Space to succeed”

  1. love your art of the silhouette on the pink bubbly background!
    your boundaries-ideas are very helpful. I have difficulty too to focus on one thing; I hop from one inspiring project to the next. I now try to limit to painting over collage. But it’s nearly spring break and I hope to get back to gelli printing. I’m not following any classes right now but you often share your ideas very generously and keeps me playing.

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