Do you makes these mistakes when printmaking?

Stamping into the gelatin plate with found object toolsMistake #1

You think you need the perfect printmaking:

  • tool,
  • studio or
  • idea

before you get started making prints? If you pull monotype prints on the gelatin plate, then I suggest letting go of those limiting thoughts.

Quick Fix:  Leave your brayers, paper, ink and gelatin plate out on the table so you can jump in and play for just 20 minutes.

Plastic stencils to work into the ink on the gelatin and glycerin printing plate

Mistake # 2

Do you try to plan out every mark when making monotypes?

Quick Fix: Give yourself 10 sheets of paper, no more than 5 tools and 3 colors. Begin printing and embrace if you think it then try it. Even if you just try out this approach for a few printing sessions, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

paint over a failed print to give it new life

Mistake # 3

You assume a “failed” print should just end up in the trash.

Quick Fix: Wait a few days and if you think the print is still not worthy then unevenly brayer white ink or paint over most of the surface. Let it dry completely. Now you have a piece of paper with some rich history and a new beginning for the print.

I hope you embrace one of these ideas and find it helpful. Need a class? CHECK out the Printmaking Workshops.