3 steps to Create Artwork worthy of Framing


I encourage you to try these 3 steps to creating monotypes or mixed media art that is worthy of framing, selling or gifting.

First – Make a lot of prints.

I often say if I pull 20 prints and 2 are awesome then that is a win. You may be aware of the old art school story about the ceramics professor who gave one group of students the assignment to make one perfect pot and to another group the assignment was to make as many pots as possible. Which group made the best pots? The second group.

Why is more better?

Each time you make print you have an opportunity to learn something about tools, composition and your story.  The more opportunities you have to learn, then the more you learn. You build visual, mental and physical skills every time you pull a print.

Second –  Give yourself and the piece some space.

Wait a day or two before you judge your work and determine whether it is done or needs something more. Then pin the potentials on the wall and ask:

  • What do I notice?
  • What is working?
  • Where does my eye go?
  • Is the viewer drawn in?
  • Can one or two marks make it pop/complete?

And realize not every print is worthy of completion. Sometimes you learn something from your ugly prints and just begin again.

Third – Play with framing Materials

  • Take a small precut mat and use it like view finder over sections of your prints
  • See if you can find a pleasing composition
  • When you find it, then crop and frame the piece
  • Try placing some prints in ready made frames and mats
  • Try very small and very large like in a museum
  • Have fun with this. You will be growing your compositional skills and you won’t even know it.

Check out the current workshops.

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