Comb marks into ink on the Gelatin Plate

Use a Comb to make marks into ink on gelatin plate Linda Germain

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You can find a package of wide tooled combs at the dollar store and then you will have fun working into the ink on the gelatin plate. If you play and then you are not happy with the mark then, you can just brayer over it and start over.

Monotype gelatin prints made with a Comb to make marks into ink on gelatin

Here I criss-crossed the lines, and rolled down a base color of gold. With just one tool it is possible to experiment for a whole day and still come up with new types of mark from the homemade gelatin plate.

Have you made the glycerin and gelatin plate yet? If you would like to explore this monotype printing process, then join us in the next session of Make Monotypes. Right now the early bird discount is available.

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