Drawing habit to support printmaking

Draw to improve printmaking skills and options Linda GermainI love found marks and tools.

Drawing for me is work, not really pure joy. But the longer I am an artist the more I realize that drawing opens up options.

I think one thought that holds me back is the idea that I have to draw the “teacher’s” way, or realistically, or something other than what I do.

Funny, why don’t I give myself more space to play, experiment and learn to draw freely with more confidence and less judgment.

Lately, I have been doing some quick line drawings of teapots. Strong expressive line drawings are perfect for photo emulsion screen printing.


Different types of drawing are best for different screen printing methods:

  • Great shapes with good negative space would be good for paper stencils
  • Strong bold line drawings would be good for the screen filler and drawing fluid method
  • Dark and delicate details would be good for photo emulsion screen printing method.

Check out upcoming online printmaking workshops.


1 thought on “Drawing habit to support printmaking”

  1. I am so pleased that I have found your fantastic videos on the gelli plate printing. This is quite new in the UK, and the courses I have been to are not a patch on your instructions .I am telling all my pals !! You have given me fresh incentive to get back to my gelli plate. Ps purchased at great expense before I discovered you could make them !!!!.

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